yoga with Bridget

Welcome to the yoga with Bridget Virtual Studio!

I am so glad you are here! My focus is on merging the physical and philosophical aspects of yoga. I love to teach classes that go beyond postures and offer little nuggets of inspiration that you can directly apply to your own life. I am a true believer in the power of yoga and mindfulness and the life-changing transformation that happens as a result, both on and off the mat.

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About Me:

I teach and practice with focused attention to the breath. I believe yoga is breath first and everything else follows. Mindful breath gives you the insight and awareness you need to be one with your body and mind.

I am now in my 11th year of teaching and hold my RYT-500 certification through Yoga Alliance. I've taught more than 5000 classes and have led multiple Power Yoga Teacher Trainings. I am also certified in Restorative Yoga and continue my studies both in the classroom and through self-study.

Perhaps even more importantly, I've been practicing yoga for 30+ years! My first yoga class was in college and I loved everything about it. I couldn't explain it other than I felt both energized and calm at the same time. I was hooked.

There have been moments in life where my practice has taken a backseat. I got married. I had a demanding career. I got my MBA. I had kids. I had responsibilities. But, I always made my way back to my mat. My breath isn't always smooth, my mind isn't always quiet, and my poses aren't perfect. But, the lightness and clarity that yoga brings to my life never disappoints.

My mat has been a receptacle. A place where I can safely drop off and work through whatever isn't working in my life. It holds my sweat and my tears. The gift my mat provides allows me to be a better person off the mat.

Being human and working through my own stuff has informed much of my teaching. When I teach, I want students to be safe in their postures, but also dive deep into how yoga and its teachings can transform them off the mat. Breath, intention, and focus are all tools to take yoga to the next level.